Rules for Nursery Trial Championships
1. The Association shall organise annually a Nursery Trial Championship Trial to be run over a National Style course. Each County in turn will host the Championship and provide a Local Committee to organise the Trial. The Association shall be responsible for all relevant insurances.
2. Each County Association that is accepted by the AGM and which affiliates to the SWSDTA and runs not less than 3 Nursery Trials shall be able to enter a team for the Championship.
3. Each team of members, resident in the relevant areas, shall consist of 5 dogs. The dogs chosen for inclusion shall be those gaining the highest number of points in the national style trials provided that every dog: -
a) is under 3 years of age on November 1st of the current year.
b) has not been placed in an Open Class in the national style; has not won an Open Novice or Novice Class in the national style, and and has not been the overall winner of any previous nursery series.
c) After October 1st a nursery dog gaining ISDS qualifying points or winning an Open Novice/Second class will be allowed to continue to compete and be eligible for inclusion in its County team.
Note: Where any dog is excluded from the team by virtue of any of the above rules, the next highest pointed dog will join the team.
4. The entry fee will be £5.00 per dog. Any future changes will be made by the SWSDTA Executive. (Ammended A.G.M. Nov. 2011)
5. The Championship will be held before Christmas.
6. The Team Shield will be awarded to the team with the highest total of points. Full teams only qualify for the Shield. The Champion and Reserve Champion will be the two highest pointed dogs. The Winning Team will receive £50 from the SWSDTA.
7. The Championship Trial will be run under the ISDS Rules for Trials. The lowest score in each Team will be dropped. The points gained in each recognised section of the course which has been completed before the point of disqualification shall count towards the Team total. Where a competitor retires voluntarily, none of the points gained will count. The Order of Running will be decided by Ballot. The Running Order will be adhered to strictly.
8. In the event of any dispute, the matter shall be referred to the Officers of the SWSDTA for resolution.
9. Any changes to these rules can be made only at the AGM of the SWSDTA. |